Login+key issues
Account already Created...(xxxxx) Login to the account within the parentheses, Login to the account without the key. Redeem the key after logging in.
Account already exists.... The account name you entered already exist, choose a different name, if the account is urs: Login to the account without the key. If you are redeeming a new key, redeem the key after logging in.
Disallowed Characters We do only support a-z 0-9, no uppercases.
Device not authorized or already installed Either you already installed hf, once hf is installed it remain so until you reboot your system. Or your HWID has changed, then post ur username on our discord in channel #hwid-reset. Disabling Fast boot on your system may solve future issues with this. Rebooting your computer completely, using the shut down function may solve this as well, reboot function does not fully shut down your computer.
Invalid Credentials Wrong password. Make sure password is entered correctly. Open support ticket if unable to log in, tell us the error and send a key that has been used on that account.
Forgot Username Attempt to make a new account and it will tell you your account name for that version of HF, Account already created (xxxxxx)
Key Related:
Invalid Redeem Key Include the /INTL, /CN, /KR or /ANY. Key example: 123ABC-123ABC-123ABC-123ABC/INTL
Key cannot be used in region Open a ticket on discord
This type of key cannot be used on this account Exit loader, rename or delete login.txt and make a new account with ur key. Each account is locked to the version of first key used.
Last updated