AutoMiss is a feature that will make some flicks miss intentionally. Ghost Aim is a passive aim assist thats way harder to be detected by players. It does not track the targets, it only assists the user with the users natural aim.
General Flick Key: (Mouse 5)
Head Flick Key: (Mouse 4)
Ghost Aim: Left/Right click or on at all time, depends on hero
Aim Track: Left Mouse Button
Disable Auto Skill: F2
Enable Auto Skill: F3
Disable AutoMiss: Shift+F10
Enable AutoMiss: Shift+F11
Default for both above = OFF
F5 (Full Legit Profile: Ghost aim Disabled, Skill assist Disabled)
F6 (Medium Profile: Ghost aim Enabled, Skill assist Enabled)
F7 (Strong profile. Enables Tracking Assist, + Above) Default profile
F8 (Custom Profile) Ultra only Each step up adds faster flicks, More Headshot Ratio on body flicks, stronger ghost aim etc.
F10= ESP OFFF11= ESP ONCurrently Disabled.
Last updated